For the third time in as many years, I am writing an entry on this blog crying out to God for help, strength, and healing following tragic shootings.  In May of 2016 we cried out to God in the wake of the shooting in Orlando; in October of 2017 we cried out to God in the wake of the shooting in Las Vegas; today we cry out to God in the wake of the shooting in Parkland, FL.  When will this end Lord?  How long?  When will you come and set all things to right?  Why do your children, your creation, insist on such violent hatred and such destruction?  When will their be peace and an end to violence?  When will swords and guns be turned into plow shares? When will there be no more of this?

We implore you O God to be with the grieving families – comfort them and bind them up.  Be with our neighbors in Parkland and in Broward County, be their rock, meet them in their fear, worry, and anxiety.  Be with every parent across this State and this Nation who sent their children to school today and kissed them good bye with fear and worry.  Be with all the teachers and the all the staff at our schools and give them your anointing and calm.  We thank you for their sacrifice and service each and every day as they care for our children, protect our children, and educate our children.  Be with our law enforcement and first responders.  Protect them and keep them safe.  Tend to their spirits and emotions as they so often respond to senseless and deplorable violence keep them whole and healthy – mind, body, and spirit – as they protect and serve selflessly and faithfully.  Amen.

And I also offer this prayer entitled, “Prayer for Someone Killed in the Neighborhood” from Common Prayer; A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals.

“Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us. Grant us peace. For the unbearable toil of our sinful world, we plead for remission. For the terror of absence from our beloved, we plead for your comfort. For the scandalous presence of death in your creation, we plead for the resurrection. Lamb of God, you take away the sins fo the world. Have mercy on us. Grant us peace. Come, Holy Spirit, and heal all that is broken in our lives, in our streets, and in our world. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

There is no peace today +++
