Good Morning Gardens,

This morning, during my time of prayer, I read the following words from Sally Jo Shelton. I share them with you all this morning (with some slight edits), and hope they are as encouraging and hopeful to you as they were to me this morning.

“God is my best friend. God cares about the things I care about. God loves me even when I (feel) unloveable. God is always there to listen and to advise when I need to talk things over.

God is my Heavenly Father (and Divine Mother). God holds me in the palm of God’s hand. God watches over me as the apple of God’s eye. God wants me to grow up to be like God.

God is my rock. God is my refuge when I’m afraid, my strength when I am weak, my sure footing when I stumble.

God is my shepherd. God finds me when I’m lost. God gives me rest when I’m tired. God leads me when I don’t know which way to go.”

Of those descriptions of God, which is most comforting to you this day?

You all remain in my constant prayers.

