Sometimes, without knowing it or even being aware of it, we can get locked into our own world and our particular situation. We can forget about or lose sight of the fact that we are part of a much bigger world.

In our Gospel reading, Jesus takes some of his friends away from the business of the village and market place. He invites them to travel with him as he makes his way up the mountain. This is not unusual. We know from the gospels that Jesus often went off by himself to the mountains to pray. While they were there praying something wild and wonderful happened. Jesus was transfigured; he was. . .changed.     Imagine how surprised, shocked and taken aback those with Jesus were. Imagine hearing the disembodied voice that spoke to them: “This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to him!” 

These words are as much meant for us today as they were for those who first heard them. Likewise, the word and message that Jesus speaks to us and offers is as life-giving and life-changing as it was then. The transfiguration not only offers us a glimpse of Jesus in all his glory, it also offers each of us a foretaste of what God promises us in the fullness of the Kingdom. It reminds us that our lives are far more than what see, hear and experience every day. It is not just a matter getting through the day. Being a follower of Jesus is about     living with meaning, purpose and hope. 

We may never experience anything as powerful as the Transfiguration. But every day in countless and seemingly small ways God does break into our world and our daily lives. This week, let us open our hearts so that we may hear God speaking to us. May we slow down and look for moments of small but important times of transfiguration in our own ordinary daily lives.