Of Prayers for the New Year…

This morning as I was having my time of morning prayer, my prayer book contained this prayer for the day… “Praise to you, Father everlasting. You open your hand and fill all creatures with blessing.  Listen to these petitions as we say, Lord, make haste to...

Of Remembering the Communion of Saints…

Today is All Saints Day a day in which we remember and give thanks to God for all those saints of the faith of Jesus Christ who have died and passed on to glory.  We remember their witness to the power of Christ’s resurrection and their embodiment of the Good...

Of Prayers for Las Vegas…

Please join me in praying for the victims and survivors, for the people and the city of Las Vegas, for the first responders, police, and emergency personnel: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we enjoin your divine mercies.  Lord,...

Of Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Wild Fires…

As we watch Mexico dig out from yet another debilitating earthquake, watch the islands of the Caribbean lashed by yet another super-powered catastrophic hurricane, as we struggle to remain mindful of the recovery plight of those in Texas, as we see entire regions of...

Of the Events in Charlottesville…

The white nationalist, white supremacy, Neo-nazi movements and other overtly racist groups, beliefs, and attitudes that were on display last weekend in Charlottesville, VA are contrary to the Gospel of Jesus and the opposite of the coming Reign of God that Jesus is...