Of the Shadow of Our Faithlessness…

Lent is the season in which we frequently find ourselves made uncomfortable and deeply challenged by Jesus’ words.  Our Scripture lesson from the Gospel of Luke 13:1-9 is no exception, for in this passage of Scripture we encounter another shadow of the spiritual...

Of Selflessness and a Growing Spiritual Consciousness…

In her book Interior Castle, as she describes souls that have reached the fifth mansion of spiritual development, Teresa of Avila describes this spirituality as taking the form of self-thoughtlessness.  She writes this of souls who have progressed into the...

Of Salvation and the Missio Dei…

Gustavo Gutierrez, Peruvian Catholic Priest and the Father of Liberation Theology, defines salvation as having three different aspects or expressions.  First, salvation is to be understood spiritually (and this is perhaps the expression of salvation that we are...

Of the Shadow of Sorrow…

Our text for today comes from the Gospel of Luke the thirteenth chapter the thirty first through the thirty fifth verses.  In this passage of Scripture we encounter Jesus on a journey; Jesus is journeying from Galilee in the North of Judea to Jerusalem. ...