Jesus, The Bread of Life

In the latter part of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks of being the Bread of Life. He does so in fairly graphic terms that was difficult for some of his followers to hear and, as a result, many turned away and stopped following him. At this point...


Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is, undoubtedly, the greatest sermon every preached, and it begins with something called the Beatitudes. Generally speaking, it’s a Ways to be blessed—all good stuff, right? Well, sure, we say, of course they are! But I’d invite you read...

“Amazing Grace”

When we hear the word “grace”—what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For many—myself included—we think of the hymn Amazing Grace, particularly the very first line: “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me…” John Newton wrote those...

The Ethiopian Eunuch

African church tradition maintains that this Ethiopian eunuch, named Bachos according to Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo tradition, was the first Christian missionary to share the Gospel in Africa. What sticks out the most to me, as I read this passage, is the question...

“God Can Use Anyone”

I found this a few years ago at… Remember God can use anybody! The next time you feel like God can’t use you, just remember… Noah was a drunk. Abraham was too old. Isaac was a daydreamer. Jacob was a liar. Leah was ugly. Joseph was...