The Wedding at Cana

Picture this: a big party, and they run out of the most important drink, wine. The guy in charge is just beside himself – what will he do? This will reflect poorly on the family, the newly married couple, the whole deal. And there’s Mother Mary, quietly taking it all...

Some Background on the Epiphany

The Greek word Epiphany (epiphanos), which means appearance or manifestation or showing forth, is used to describe Jesus’ first appearance to the Gentiles. “Epiphany” refers to God’s Self-revelation as well as to the revelation...

Reflecting on the Past Year

Taking time for reflection is a critical practice. Reflection fosters learning, stimulates growth, calls for course corrections, identifies priorities and renews focus and energy. At the end of this crazy and challenging year, it is even more important to carve out...

A Final Advent Reflection

Our time of preparation has come to fruition! As we celebrate the birth of Our Lord, I invite you to pause for a moment and reflect in your heart. During this season of Advent what has challenged you? What has comforted you? As you think about this, allow me to ask...

The First Sunday of Advent

The expression “Maranatha!” was a key watchword and prayer among the early Christians. It is an Aramaic word which is a combination of two words “marana—tha” which literally mean “the Lord comes” or in the imperative case “Come, Lord!” Paul the Apostle used this...

Christ the King Sunday

On the feast of Christ the King, we are called to acknowledge that Jesus is, in fact our King. It is one thing to say that he is our King because the song in Church we sang said that, or the preacher said that, or the Bible says that. Yes, faith does come by hearing....