
Pentecost is often considered the birthday of the Church. It’s the day when the Jesus’ disciples—some say almost 120 of them—were visited and gifted by the Holy Spirit. But who or what, exactly, is the Holy Spirit, besides being probably the most misunderstood and...

Ascension of Christ

The Ascension of Christ may not seem as momentous to the Christian story as the resurrection or as rousing as the image of Jesus on the cross. After the death and resurrection, in fact, the Ascension might even seem somewhat anti-climactic. For the Christian, however,...

The Unmoved Rock

Once upon a time, there was a man who was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light and the Savior appeared. The Lord told the man He had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the...

Moment for Meditation for Lent by Pastor Jeff

Moment for Meditation for Lent, Week Six – Easter, The Resurrection of Our Lord The events of the Resurrection bring hope in the knowledge that Christ is alive, and he remains in us. Risen, he shows the light on his face, he is with us and never abandons....

Pastor Year End Report

Grace and peace everyone, In a recent letter, I laid out four goals for myself in 2024. I’ve been hard at work on them, but as we begin the  new year, I want to report that this work has already begun to produce fruit, in the form of opportunities, two in...