Dear Friends,

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus. The promises of Christ that “God-is-with-us,” are especially relevant and powerful now. We are loved by a God who is present with us, who won’t abandon us, and who is faithful in working out the restoration and redemption of the entire created cosmos even in the midst of this global pandemic.

Things are happening so very quickly as we constantly wake up to changing conditions, recommendations, and suggestions regarding how to cope and contain this virus.

As you all are aware, last Friday, March 13th, Session approved four actions in light of the growing concern presented by the COVID-19 virus. Those four actions are as follows: 1) with the exception of Sunday worship services all GPC related meetings, events, functions will be suspended; 2) with the exception of the General Elections all use by outside groups of GPC facilities will be suspended; 3) staff has been asked to work remotely; 4) when gathered for public worship a strict six foot distance would be enforced to be in accordance with social distancing suggestions.

Since Session voted to take those above actions, much has happened including both the CDC’s and President’s recommendations that gatherings of 10 people or more be suspended indefinitely. In addition, Rev. Dr. Daris Bultena, the General Presbytery of Tropical Florida has also issued a letter encouraging all congregations in the Presbytery to suspend all in-person gatherings.

Many of you have reached out to me over the last 48 hours indicating your belief that the previous actions taken by session are not enough. We agree with you. I am writing this to communicate to everyone that the Session of GPC will have an electronic meeting via teleconference tonight to discuss and take actions on these new developments that have occurred since Session’s last actions.

You can expect to hear the results of this discussion ASAP.

Please use this blog and our GPC email list serve to receive up to date information regarding our life together as a community during this pandemic.

You all are in my prayers, as is our city, county, state, country, and world. In the midst of the chaos, take heart in the great and profound theological truth: “God has the whole world in God’s hands!” Of that, I am profoundly grateful.

Talk to you soon.

