
Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you

1 Thessalonions 5:17

Join us for our friendly, casual Florida-style service of worship that can best be described as “Florida-Traditional.”  Our sermons are based on the Scriptures and invite people to experience God’s presence.  Our time of prayer blends contemplative silence and a led spoken prayer.  Communion is served on the 1st Sunday of every month, Maunday Thursday, Easter Sunday, and Christmas Eve.

Children who visit are invited to join in the Children’s Sermon at the front of the Sanctuary and then are dismissed for Children’s Church led by our team of volunteer teachers for an age appropriate time of fellowship, friendship, learning, snack, and worship.

We love music at Gardens so there’s a good chance we will have a special guest musician. Perhaps a steel drum band, a trumpeter, a pianist, guitarist, or even a bag piper.  We believe music helps us encounter and experience God’s presence in deep and profound ways.

Following worship, we invite you to join us for our community coffee hour on the patio.  Enjoy a warm cup of coffee and some delicious cookies, cakes, fruit, or other snacks.